DIY AI: The series

Andrew Tch
1 min readMay 31, 2017


Hello, readers!

Almost a year ago I've started to dig into Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence. I learned a lot and want to share my experience with rest of the world.

I hope that DIY AI will eventually become a long set of stories dedicated to history, theory or coding practice of the topics mentioned above. This very story will serve as a TOC for all stories published.

Stay subscribed — I will try my best to make this into an interesting journey!

Stories published so far:

  1. AI: The history of a problem (and a bit about the goal of the series)
  2. Installation manuals for various software I use during the series
  3. A simple neural network using numpy to recognize handwritten digits
  4. The charming simplicity of NN frameworks explaining how to build ANN using FANN library

